Oh my god...
Oh god, this horrid filtering and high pitch is giving me a headache.
Oh my god...
Oh god, this horrid filtering and high pitch is giving me a headache.
It's definitely not bad but work on your mix.
The drums are too quiet and the instruments are too loud, and you should probably make some transitions instead of a stop-and-start.
Also I think the melody changes too much.
I've had this stuck in my head for the last week. That's good.
Also, no one cares if you came here from Black Blizzard, so don't write it in the review.
I love how you put in as much swearing as you can just to make every GD player ever pissed that they can't use the song.
The actual song is really good.
ahha oh really? I didn't know that was a rule in the game. Fuck :(
Nice remix, dude!
Hope you don't get claimed by Nintendo. They tend to do that a lot.
rhythm gamer weird music maker. Formerly GearWax before transing
Joined on 5/7/16